405 Myra Lane, Moravia, IA 52571 Sunday School 9:30 AM | Sunday Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM | Wednesday Activities 7:00 PM

Bulletin 6/12/2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022


Join us next week at 9:30 AM for Sunday School!

Children will leave following song service for Jr. Church.

  • Join us for Cowboy Church TODAY. Pleasure class events begin at 11:00 AM, followed by a message and then lunch will be served. We will resume following lunch with the fun show events.
  • Our Kids Quizzers competed at MNU yesterday at Regionals! We are proud of our kids for working so hard to lean the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth! If you see one of our kids’ quizzers congratulate them on their hard work and help us encourage them to continue to hide God’s word in their hearts.
  • Tonight, will be our VBS Program at 6:00 PM, this will be in place of our regular PM service. Our kids have had a great week this past week learning how “Monumental” our God is! Come let our children show you how they have been “Celebrating God’s Greatness”!
  • Iowa Holiness Camp Meeting will be June 12th – 17th in Oskaloosa. Evening Services will begin at 6:30 PM.
  • Centershot will start this Wednesday June 15th and will run for six weeks. We invite children going into fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh grade to join us from 6:30-8:00 PM each night.
  • Tava’s Wednesday night Bible Study will be starting the book of Ezra June 15th. If you do not already have a Wednesday evening class, this is a great time to start!
  • Board Meeting tomorrow at 7:00 PM.
  • Don’t forget next Sunday is Father’s Day!
  • Thank you to everyone who helped make VBS a success! The kids had a great week learning about God and we could not have done it without all of your support!


60’s Plus – June 26th following the evening service

Men’s Prayer Breakfast July 9th at 7:00 AM

Cowboy Church July 10th starting at 11 AM

Missionary Speaker July 10th for PM service

Kids Camp July 18th – 22nd

Youth Camp July 25th – 29th


The Family Jenn & Terry Whitlatch – Death in the family

Lois McAlister – Health needs

Vanessa Nicoletto – recovering from back surgery

Judy Austin – COVID Hospital

Those with health needs: Michael Condra, Richard Hatfield, James Gilbert, Katie Kirkpatrick, Rick Swartz, Roberta Gaudry, Alvin Davis, Margaret Houser, Jay Rogers, Myles Clawson, Ed and Laretta Seeley, Kathy Canny, Robert Garry, Jason Robb, Maddie Johnston, Cheri Strunk, Larry Smith, Darrell Keeney, Melanie Seals, DeVere Davis

Those who have been diagnosed with cancer and are taking treatments: Bev Ryan, Glennis Ward, Vernell Alexandres, Kristin Anderson, Deanna Allen,  Phyllis Keever, Lynn Knapp,  Mary Pryzny, Marion Main, David Weeks, Shelley Frasher, Angela Freese, Jerry Hatfield, Nicki Cossolotto, Karen Radovich, Leon Kleiss, Ryan McElroy, Carol Monson, Steve Angran, Lori Johnson, Doug Main, Loraine Howk, Anna Bratz, Chasity Hardin, Kim Williams, Deborah Hudson, Dennis Welch, Amy Young, Cindy Riggenbach, Sunny Martin, Joe Nucko, Carol Tadlock

If you have a prayer request, you can call the church office Monday – Friday 9 AM – 1 PM, send an email to moravialighthousenaz@gmail.com, or use the top of the bulletin to write the information and place it in the offering. Please keep us informed so your church family can pray for you and/or with you in your time of need.  

Our Missionaries:

Our LINKS Missionary – Trino and Anna Jara

Tom & Ai Van Sickel – Japan

John & Daniece Woods – Native American Christian Academy, Arizona


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