Sunday, April 11, 2021 ANNOUNCEMENTS
Nursery workers:
OPEN but will NOT have workers due to social distancing.
Next week, join us at 9:30 AM for Sunday School!
- Mission Trip to Kentucky April 18th – 24th – There is still time to sign up! Just write Kentucky on the upper portion of your bulletin (include your name and phone #) detach it and place it in the offering.
- Register NOW for VBS! This year’s VBS “The Knights of North Castle” will be June 7th – June 11 Please preregister by May 10th to guarantee your child will receive a T-Shirt. You can register online at
- TNT will be meeting TODAY after morning service. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and drinks will be provided, we ask that you bring a side dish or a desert if you are attending. Children are welcome but there will be no childcare provided and they must stay in the gym.
- Ladies, Courtney Chapman will be leading a Book Study on Francine Rivers’ book, Redeeming Love, beginning TODAY at 4:00 PM at the Church. Everyone is responsible for getting their own book and reading Ch. 1-5 for the first meeting. You can check the book out at your local library or order it on amazon as a hardcopy or digital copy.
- Tava’s Wednesday night class will be starting a new study on the Sheila Walsh’s book A Grand New Day. If you do not already come to a class on Wednesday evening this is the great opportunity to start fresh. If you are planning to attend, please let Tava Hoffman know so she can make sure she has enough materials.
- Center Shot will start June 16th at 6:30 PM. Children going into 4th grade to 7th grade are invited to attend. If you would like to volunteer to help with Center Shot, please contact Steve Davidson or the Church office.
- We do not have any children services (6th grade and under) during the PM services. Please make sure your children stay with you and are not running around in the gym.
- Board Meeting Monday 12th at 7:00 PM.
- Sunday April 25th the Christian Motorcycle Association (Ottumwa Chapter #368) will be holding a Blessing of the Bikes in our parking lot in place of regular Jr. Church at 10:30 AM. We invite your child to bring their bike (and helmet) and join the fun. We will section off a portion of the parking lot for their safety.
60’s Plus April 25th after PM service
Men’s Prayer Breakfast May 8th 7:00 AM
TNT May 2nd after AM service
Lexis Smith – 16 yr. old recovering from car accident.
Those with health needs: Michael Condra, Richard Hatfield, James Gilbert, Katie Kirkpatrick, Rick Swartz, Roberta Gaudry, Alvin Davis, Margaret Houser, Don Hontz, Jay Rogers, Myles Clawson, Ed Seeley, Kathy Canny, Robert Garry, Jason Robb, Maddie Johnston, Cheri Strunk, Larry Smith, Darrell Keeney, Larry Proctor, Melanie Seals
Those who have been diagnosed with cancer and are taking treatments: Bev Ryan, Glennis Ward, Vernell Alexandres, Louise McBain, Kristin Anderson, Deanna Allen, Phyllis Keever, Lynn Knapp, Mary Pryzny, Marion Main, David Weeks, Shelley Frasher, Angela Freese, Jerry Hatfield, Nicki Cossolotto, Vic Helt, Lynn Winans, Karen Radovich, Leon Kleiss, Ryan McElroy, Luke Brown, , David Godby, Carol Monson, Steve Angran, Lori Johnson, Doug Main, Loraine Howk, Anna Bratz, Letha Cormeny McDonough, George Jones, Denise Dillion, Shane Exline, Chasity Hardin, Rod Hutt, Don Vander Hart, Kim Williams, Nathan Stouwie, Ricky Whitehead, Deborah Hudson, Luke Brown, Dennis Welch
If you have a prayer request, you can call the church office Monday – Friday 9 AM – 1 PM, send an email to, or use the top of the bulletin to write the information and place it in the offering. Please keep us informed so your church family can pray for you and/or with you in your time of need.
Our Missionaries:
Our LINKS Missionary – Trino and Anna Jara
Tom & Ai Van Sickel – Japan
John & Daniece Woods – Native American Christian Academy, Arizona