Sunday 2/5/2023 PM Service
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DownloadSunday, February 28, 2021
Nursery workers:
OPEN but will NOT have workers due to social distancing.
Join us next week for Sunday School at 9:30 AM!
Men’s Prayer Breakfast March 13th at 7:00 AM
60’s Plus March 28th after PM service
TNT March 7th morning after service
The family of Evelyn Murphy
Praise for Anna Bratz – who came home Friday.
Praise for Ashtyn Ellison – who came home Monday.
Those with health needs: Michael Condra, Richard Hatfield, James Gilbert, Katie Kirkpatrick, Rick Swartz, Roberta Gaudry, Alvin Davis, Margaret Houser, Don Hontz, Jay Rogers, Myles Clawson, Ed Seeley, Kathy Canny, Robert Garry, Jason Robb, Maddie Johnston, Cheri Strunk, Larry Smith, Darrell Keeney, Larry Proctor, Janice Davis
Those who have been diagnosed with cancer and are taking treatments: Bev Ryan, Glennis Ward, Vernell Alexandres, Louise McBain, Kristin Anderson, Deanna Allen, Phyllis Keever, Lynn Knapp, Mary Pryzny, Sandra Ayers, Marion Main, David Weeks, Shelley Frasher, Angela Freese, Jerry Hatfield, Nicki Cossolotto, Vic Helt, Lynn Winans, Karen Radovich, Shannon Potter, Leon Kleiss, Ryan McElroy, Luke Brown, , David Godby, Carol Monson, Steve Angran, Lori Johnson, Doug Main, Loraine Howk, Anna Bratz, Letha Cormeny McDonough, George Jones, Denise Dillion, Shane Exline, Chasity Hardin, Rod Hutt, Don Vander Hart, Kim Williams, Nathan Stouwie, Ricky Whitehead, Deborah Hudson
If you have a prayer request, you can call the church office Monday – Friday 9 AM – 1 PM, send an email to, or use the top of the bulletin to write the information and place it in the offering. Please keep us informed so your church family can pray for you and/or with you in your time of need.
Our Missionaries:
Our LINKS Missionary – Trino and Anna Jara
Tom & Ai Van Sickel – Japan
John & Daniece Woods – Native American Christian Academy, Arizona