405 Myra Lane, Moravia, IA 52571 Sunday School 9:30 AM | Sunday Worship 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM | Wednesday Activities 7:00 PM

Bulletin 2/19/2023

Sunday, February 19, 2023


Join us next week at 9:30 AM for Sunday School!

Children will leave following song service for Jr. Church.

  • Board Meeting has been moved to Feb. 20th at 7:00 PM.
  • If you plan to have your child be a palm waver for the Easter Drama please sign up TODAY at the Welcome Center. Easter Drama practice starts at 3:45. If you have a costume at home, please bring it in.
  • Save the Date! Rick Pearson from Camp Table Rock will be here February 24th – 26th presenting a series on reThinktruth. He will share how the media has been lying to us and infiltrating our legacy for the next generations.
    • Friday the 24th, service 6:30 PM. There will be a Youth “hang out” following till 10:00 PM.
    • Saturday the 25th, services 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM with a potluck lunch between services. Meat will be provided, please bring a side and/or desert.
    • Sunday the 26th, Rick will be speaking for our regular AM service at 10:30 AM
  •  2023 Graduating Seniors: Be sure to get your Men’s Ministry Scholarship Application in by April 17th. You can pick up a paper copy from the Welcome Center or you can email the church office at moravialighthousenaz@gmail.com and we will forward you a link to fill the application out online. If you have questions see Jeff Wilson, Dayton Fears, or Joe Cloyed.
  • Convoy of Hope will be making its first delivery and hold training seasons on March 18th and 19th. This will be a great outreach for our surrounding communities. If you are willing to help with this outreach, please join us the 18th from 9:00 – 2:00 PM.
  • Iowa District Men’s Retreat – March 31st-April 1st at East Iowa Bible Camp. For more information and for registration visit iowanazarene.org, events page. Registration closes March 27th.
  • Iowa District Women’s Retreat – April 14th-15th at the Des Moines Holiday Inn. For more information and from registration visit iowanazarene.org, events page. Registration closes March 24th.


Rick Pearson – reThinktruth – Feb 24th – 26th

60’s Plus Feb. 26th following PM Service

TNT March 5th following AM Service

Men’s Prayer Breakfast March 11th 7:00 AM

Switch 56 March 10th 5:30-8:00 PM


Gene Hunter – Health Needs

Kenny Stober (Kelly Fritchey’s cousin) – Heath Needs

Gavin (Ron & Diane Deal’s grandson) – recovering from tonsillectomy

Those with health needs: Michael Condra, James Gilbert, Katie Kirkpatrick, Rick Swartz, Roberta Gaudry, Alvin Davis, Myles Clawson, Ed and Laretta Seeley, Kathy Canny, Robert Garry, Jason Robb, Maddie Johnston, Cheri Strunk, Darrell Keeney, Melanie Seals, DeVere Davis

Those who have been diagnosed with cancer and are taking treatments: Mary Pryzny, Marion Main, Shelley Frasher, Angela Freese, Jerry Hatfield, Nicki Cossolotto, Karen Radovich, Carol Monson, Steve Angran, Doug Main, Loraine Howk, Anna Bratz, Chasity Hardin, Kim Williams, Deborah Hudson, Dennis Welch, Amy Young, Carol Tadlock, Sam Kirby, Bill Swaby, Peg Stone

If you have a prayer request, you can call the church office Monday – Friday 9 AM – 1 PM, send an email to moravialighthousenaz@gmail.com, or use the top of the bulletin to write the information and place it in the offering. Please keep us informed so your church family can pray for you and/or with you in your time of need.

Our Missionaries:

Our LINKS Missionary – Andrew & Jenna

Tom & Ai Van Sickel – Japan

John & Daniece Woods – Native American Christian Academy, Arizona


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