Sunday, January 29, 2023
Join us next week at 9:30 AM for Sunday School!
Children will leave following song service for Jr. Church.
- 60’s Plus is TONIGHT following PM Service. Come for a night of food and fellowship.
- Our Youth will be having a Pizza Ranch Fundraiser Tuesday, January 31st from 5:00 – 8:00 PM in Ottumwa. You must bring a flier and 10% of your order as well as 100% of your donations will go towards Consumed Youth Ministries.
- Women’s Ministry will have a fellowship gathering Saturday, February 4th at 9:00 AM. They will be meals to put in the freezer to be able to share when the need arises. All ladies are welcome to join! If you would like to donate supplies, please sign up at the Welcome Center. If you have any questions see Melia Chapman, Martha Van Sickel, or Cindy Riggenbach.
- Our Church Your Home (Church Membership) Classes will begin Feb. 5th at 9:30 AM. If you are interested in learning what we as a church/denomination believe we encourage you to join this class. By taking this class you will not be expected to join our church membership if you do not choose to do so, but if your are interested in joining you will need to take this class. I you have any questions see Pastor Jonathan.
- A Collage and Careers Sunday School Class will be starting February 5th for those wanting to learn more about God. This class will be for people from 18-25 years of age. For more information contact Melisa Wenger @ 641-724-3112.
- Join us in our New Testament Scripture Challenge and pick up your year reading plan at the welcome center. If you are struggling to keep up with the plan you are welcome to go at your own pace. The goal of this challenge is to get into the Word!
- Save the Date! Rick Pearson from Camp Table Rock will be here February 24th – 26th presenting a series on reThinktruth. He will share how the media has been lying to us and infiltrating our legacy for the next generations. More details to come.
- Knoxville Church of the Nazarene Men’s Soup Supper is Sat. Feb. 4th at 6:00 PM. Guest speaker is Pastor Scott Olson. If you plan to attend, please sign up at the Welcome Center.
TNT Feb 5th following AM Service
Youth & Kids Quizzing Feb. 11th
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Feb. 11th 7:00 AM
Rick Pearson – reThinktruth – Feb 24th – 26th
Wayne Veach – Hospital
Adam Essary – Testing
Cyndee Jones – Recovering from Surgery
Gene Hunter – Taking Infusions
Those with health needs: Michael Condra, James Gilbert, Katie Kirkpatrick, Rick Swartz, Roberta Gaudry, Alvin Davis, Myles Clawson, Ed and Laretta Seeley, Kathy Canny, Robert Garry, Jason Robb, Maddie Johnston, Cheri Strunk, Darrell Keeney, Melanie Seals, DeVere Davis, Howard Maxwell
Those who have been diagnosed with cancer and are taking treatments: Mary Pryzny, Marion Main, Shelley Frasher, Angela Freese, Jerry Hatfield, Nicki Cossolotto, Karen Radovich, Ryan McElroy, Carol Monson, Steve Angran, Doug Main, Loraine Howk, Anna Bratz, Chasity Hardin, Kim Williams, Deborah Hudson, Dennis Welch, Amy Young, Carol Tadlock, Sam Kirby, Kenny McAllister, Bill Swaby
If you have a prayer request, you can call the church office Monday – Friday 9 AM – 1 PM, send an email to, or use the top of the bulletin to write the information and place it in the offering. Please keep us informed so your church family can pray for you and/or with you in your time of need.
Our Missionaries:
Our LINKS Missionary – Andrew & Jenna
Tom & Ai Van Sickel – Japan
John & Daniece Woods – Native American Christian Academy, Arizona